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MR Guided Breast Clip Placement
CT Lead Apron Inspection
FL Hand Arthrography
FL Shoulder Arthrography
FL Elbow Arthrography
FL Wrist Arthrography
FL Hip Arthrography
FL Joint Therapeutic Injection Sacroiliac
CT Guided Sacroiliac Joint Injection
FL Knee Arthrography
FL Ankle Arthrography
XR Lead Apron Inspection
IR Jejunostomy Tube Insertion
FL Replace Gastrostomy/Cecostomy Tube
US Guided Thyroid Core Biopsy and US Thyroid FNA
US Guided Thyroid Core Biopsy, Bilateral
FL Lumbar Puncture
CT Cervical Myelogram Injection
CT Thoracic Myelogram Injection
CT Lumbar Myelogram Injection
CT Entire Spine Myelogram Injection
XR Orbits For Foreign Body
XR Mandible Jaw Less Than 4 Views
XR Mandible Jaw 4 Or More Views
XR Mastoids Less Than 3 Views Per Side
XR Mastoids 3 Or More Views Per Side
XR Facial Bones Less than 3 Views
XR Facial Bones 3 Or More Views
XR Nasal Bones Minimum 3 Views
XR Orbits Bilateral Minimum 4 Views
XR Sinuses Less Than 3 Views
XR Sinuses 3 Or More Views
XR Sella Turcica Pituitary
XR Skull Less Than 4 Views
XR Skull 4 Or More Views
XR Tmj Open and Closed Unilateral
XR Tmj Open and Closed Bilateral
MRI Temporomandibular Joints (TMJ)
MR Temporomandibular Joints TMJ, W or WO
XR Soft Tissue Neck
CT Brain W
CT Brain W WO
CT Brain and Orbits W WO
CT Orbits Sella Post Fossa Or Ear WO
CT Internal Auditory Canal (IAC) without contrast
CT Orbits Sella Post Fossa Or Ear W
CT Mastoids W
CT Orbits W
CT Temporal Bones W
CT Orbits Sella Post Fossa Or Ear W WO
CT Mastoids W WO
CT Orbits W WO
CT Temporal Bones W WO
CT Maxillofacial (Sinuses) without contrast
CT Dental Scan Facial Imaging
CT Facial Bones without contrast
CT Mandible (Not Dental) WITHOUT Contrast
CT Dental Scan Mandible WO
CT Dental Scan Maxilla WO
CT Sinus WITHOUT Contrast
CT Sinus WO, Limited
CT TMJ without contrast
CT Maxillofacial Area W
CT Facial Bones W
CT Facial Bones and Orbits W
CT Facial Bones and Sinus W
CT Mandible W (Not Dental)
CT Sinus W
CT Maxillofacial Area W WO
CT Facial Bones W WO
CT Facial Bones and Orbits W WO
CT Facial Bones and Sinus W WO
CT Mandible W WO (Not Dental)
CT Sinus W WO
CT Soft Tissue Neck WO
CT Soft Tissue Neck W
CT Soft Tissue Neck W WO
CT Angiography Head (Brain)
CT Angiography Head, CT Brain W/O
CT Venogram Head (Brain)
CT Angiography Neck
MR Orbits Face Or Neck WO
MRI Maxillofacial (Sinus) without contrast
MR Orbits Face Or Neck W
MR Orbits W
MR Soft Tissue Neck W
MR Orbits Face Or Neck W WO
MRI Maxillofacial (Sinus) with and without contrast
MRI Orbits WITH and WITHOUT Contrast
MRI Soft Tissue Neck with and without contrast
MR Angiography Cerebral WO
MR Angiography Circle of Willis WO
MR Venogram Cerebral WO (Brain)
MR Angiography Cerebral W
MR Angiography Circle of Willis
MR Venogram Cerebral W (Brain)
MR Angiography Cerebral W WO
MR Venogram Cerebral W WO (Brain)
MR Angiography Carotid WO
MR Angiography Carotid WO and MR Angiography Cerebral WO
MR Venogram Neck WO
MR Angiography Carotid W
MR Angiography Carotid W WO
MR Angiography Carotid W WO and MR Angiography Cerebral W WO
MR Venogram Neck W WO
MR Brain WO with CSF Flow
MR Brain WO with Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
MRI Internal Auditory Canals (IAC) WITHOUT Contrast
MR Brain WO, Pediatric
MR Brain Perfusion WO
MR Brain WO SWI Protocol
MR Trigeminal Head WO
MR Brain W
MR Brain DTI W
MR Pituitary W (Sella)
MRI Brain with and without contrast
MR Brain W WO Anti-Amyloid Baseline
MRI Internal Auditory Canal (IAC) with and without contrast
MR Brain W WO, Pediatric
MRI Pituitary (Brain) with and without contrast
MR Brain W WO SWI Protocol
MR Head Trigeminal W WO
MR Brain Functional fMRI, Administered by a Specialized Tech
XR Chest 1 View Pa
XR Chest 2 Views Pa and Lateral
XR Chest 2 Views Plus Apical Lordotic
XR Chest 4 Or More Views
XR Chest 1 View Apical Lordotic
XR Ribs Unilateral 2 Views
XR Ribs Unilateral 2 Views and Pa Chest
XR Ribs Bilateral 3 Views
XR Ribs Bilateral 3 Views and Pa Chest
XR Sternum Minimum 2 Views
XR SC Joints Minimum 3 Views
CT Lung Smokers 3/6 Month Follow Up - NON MEDICARE as of 03-21-18
CT Lung Smokers 3/6 Month Follow Up - MEDICARE
CT Chest High Resolution
CT Smokers Lung Screening - NON MEDICARE as of 01-29-16
CT Chest W
CT Chest with and without contrast
CT Lung Cancer Wellness Screening
CT Angiography Chest
CT Angiography Chest Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
CT Venogram Chest W WO
CT Venogram Chest W
MR Chest WO and Brachial Plexus
MR Chest W
MRI Chest with and without contrast
MR Chest W WO and Brachial Plexus
MR Angiography Chest W WO
XR Spine 1 View Specify Level
XR Cervical Spine 1 View Unspecifed Level
XR Cervical Spine 3 Views or Less
XR Cervical Spine 4 or 5 Views
XR Cervical Spine 6 or More Views
XR Thoracic Spine 2 Views
XR Thoracic Spine 3 Views
XR Thoracic Spine Minimum 4 Views
XR Thoracolumbar 2 Views
XR Spine, Entire 1 View
XR Spine, Entire 2-3 Views
XR Spine, Entire 4-5 Views
XR Spine, Entire minimum 6 Views
XR Lumbar Spine 2 or 3 Views
XR Lumbar Spine Min 4 Views
XR Lumbar Spine Complete Min 6 Views W Bending Views
XR Lumbar Spine Complete Min 6 Views W Bending or Flex/Ext Views
XR Lumbar Spine Bending Only 2 or 3 Views
XR Lumbar Spine Bending or Flex/Ext Only 2 or 3 Views
CT Cervical Spine W
CT Cervical Myelogram
CT Cervical Spine W WO
CT Thoracic Spine W
CT Thoracic Myelogram
CT Thoracic Spine W WO
CT Lumbar Spine W
CT Lumbar Myelogram
CT Lumbar Spine Post Discogram
CT Lumbar Spine W WO
MR Cervical Spine WO with CSF Flow
MR Cervical Spine W
MR Thoracic Spine W
MR Lumbar Spine with SI Joints WO
MR Lumbar Spine W
MR Lumbar Spine with SI Joints W
MR Cervical Spine W WO
MRI Thoracic Spine with and without contrast
MRI Lumbar Spine with and without contrast
MR Lumbar Spine with SI Joints W WO
MR Angiography Spinal Canal W WO
XR Pelvis 1 Or 2 Views
XR Pelvis Minimum 3 Views
CT Angiography Pelvis
CT Bony Pelvis WO
CT Sacrum Coccyx without contrast
CT Pelvis W
CT Sacrum Coccyx W
CT Pelvis W WO
CT Bony Pelvis W WO
CT Sacrum Coccyx W WO
MR Pelvis WO (Soft Tissue)
MR Bony Pelvis WO
MR Defecography (Pelvic Floor/Dynamic Pelvis)
MR Pelvis Gyn WO
MR Prostate WO
MR Prostate WO with Endo
MR Pelvis WO (Sacroiliac/SI Joints)
MRI Sacrum Coccyx WITHOUT Contrast
MR Scrotum WO
MR Sacroiliac Joints WO
MR Soft Tissue Pelvis WO
MR Prostate WO for Radiation Treatment Planning
MR Pelvis W (Soft Tissue)
MR Bony Pelvis W
MR Pelvis W (Sacrum Coccyx)
MR Soft Tissue Pelvis W
MRI Pelvis with and without contrast
MR Bony Pelvis W WO
MR Lumbar Plexus W WO (Neurogram)
MR Lumbar Plexus WO (Neurogram)
MR Prostate W WO
MR Prostate W WO with Endo
MR Prostate with Spectroscopy W WO
MR Pelvis W WO (Sacroiliac/SI Joints)
MRI Sacrum Coccyx WITH and WITHOUT Contrast
MR Scrotum W WO
MR Soft Tissue Pelvis W WO
MR Angiography Pelvis W Or WO
MR Venogram Pelvis W Or WO
XR Si Joints Less Than 3 Views
XR Si Joints 3 Or More Views
XR Sacrum and Coccyx Minimum 2 Views
FL Myelography Injection Cervical Spine
FL Myelography Injection Thoracic Spine
FL Myelography Injection Lumbar Spine
FL Myelography Injection Entire Spine
XR Clavicle Complete
XR Clavicle Bilateral
XR Scapula Complete
XR Shoulder 1 View
XR Shoulder Minimum 2 Views
XR AC Joints Bilateral W WO Weights
XR AC Joints Unilateral W WO Weights
XR Humerus Minimum 2 Views
XR Elbow 2 Views
XR Elbow Minimum 3 Views
XR Forearm 2 Views
XR Forearm Bilateral 2 Views
XR Upper Extremity Infant Minimum 2 View
XR Wrist 2 Views
XR Wrist Minimum 3 Views
XR Hand 2 Views
XR Hand Minimum 3 Views
XR Fingers Minimum 2 Views
CT Clavicle without contrast
CT Elbow without contrast
CT Forearm without contrast
CT Hand without contrast
CT Humerus without contrast
CT Hand and Wrist WO
CT Scapula WITHOUT Contrast
CT Shoulder without contrast
CT Upper Extremity WO
CT Wrist without contrast
CT Upper Extremity WO, For ZIMMER Protocol
CT Axilla W
CT Clavicle W
CT Elbow W
CT Forearm W
CT Hand W (Finger)
CT Humerus W
CT Scapula W
CT Shoulder W
CT Upper Extremity W
CT Wrist W
CT Clavicle W WO
CT Elbow W WO
CT Forearm W WO
CT Hand W WO (Finger)
CT Humerus W WO
CT Scapula W WO
CT Shoulder W WO
CT Upper Extremity W WO
CT Wrist W WO
CT Angiography Upper Extremity
CT Venogram Upper Extremity W WO
MR Upper Extremity Non Joint WO
MR Axilla WO
MR Brachial Plexus WO, Bilateral
MR Brachial Plexus WO, Unilateral
MR Finger WO, Joint
MRI Forearm without contrast
MRI Hand without contrast
MRI Humerus without contrast
MRI Scapula without contrast
MR Axilla W
MR Brachial Plexus W, Unilateral
MR Hand W, Non Joint
MR Axilla W WO
MR Brachial Plexus W WO, Bilateral
MR Brachial Plexus W WO, Unilateral
MRI Forearm with and without contrast
MRI Hand with and without contrast
MRI Humerus with and without contrast
MRI Scapula with and without contrast
MR Clavicle WO, Joint
MRI Elbow without contrast
MR Hand WO, Joint
MRI Shoulder without contrast
MRI Wrist without contrast
MR Elbow W
MR Forearm W
MR Hand W, Joint
MR Humerus W
MR Shoulder W
MR Wrist W
MRI Clavicle with and without contrast
MR Elbow W WO
MR Hand W WO, Joint
MR Shoulder W WO
MR Wrist W WO
MR Angiography Upper Extremity W and or WO
XR Hip Unilateral 1 View (W or WO Pelvis)
XR Hip Unilateral 2-3 Views (W or WO Pelvis)
XR Hip Unilateral 2-3 Views (W or WO Pelvis), Weight Bearing
XR Hip Unilateral Min 4 Views (W or WO Pelvis)
XR Hip Bilateral 2 Views Total (WO Pelvis)
XR Hip Bilateral 3-4 Views Total (W or WO Pelvis)
XR Hip Bilateral Min 5 Views Total (W or WO Pelvis)
XR Femur 1 View
XR Femur Bilateral 1 View Each
XR Femur Min 2 Views
XR Femur Bilateral Min 2 Views Each
XR Femur Min 2 Views, Weight Bearing
XR Knee 1 or 2 Views
XR Knee 3 Views
XR Knee 3 Views, Weight Bearing
XR Knee Minimum 4 Views
XR Knee Minimum 4 Views, Weight Bearing
XR Knee AP Bilateral Standing
XR Tibia and Fibula 2 Views
XR Tibia and Fibula 4 Views
XR Tibia and Fibula 2 Views, Weight Bearing
XR Lower Extremity Infant Minimum 2 View
XR Ankle 2 Views
XR Ankle Minimum 3 Views
XR Ankle Minimum 3 Views, Weight Bearing
XR Foot 2 Views
XR Foot Minimum 3 Views
XR Foot Minimum 3 Views, Weight Bearing
XR Calcaneus Heel Minimum 2 Views
XR Toes Minimum 2 Views
CT Lower Extremity WO
CT Ankle without contrast
CT Ankle Bilateral WO
CT Lower Extremity WO, For CONFORMIS Protocol
CT Foot and Ankle WO
CT Foot and Ankle Bilateral WO
CT Femur without contrast
CT Foot without contrast
CT Foot Bilateral WO
CT Hip without contrast
CT Hips Bilateral WO
CT Knee without contrast
CT Knee Bilateral WO
CT Bilateral Hips WO (Stryker HipMap)
CT Tibia/Fibia (Calf) without contrast
CT Lower Extremity W
CT Ankle W
CT Foot and Ankle W
CT Femur W
CT Foot W (Toes)
CT Hip W
CT Knee W
CT Tib Fib W
CT Ankle W WO
CT Femur W WO
CT Foot W WO (Toes)
CT Knee W WO
CT Lower Extremity W WO
CT Tib Fib W WO
CT Angiography Lower Extremity
CT Venogram Lower Extremity W WO
MR Lower Extremity Non Joint WO
MRI Calf WITHOUT Contrast
MRI Femur (Thigh) without contrast
MRI Foot without contrast
MRI Shin/Tibia Fibula WITHOUT Contrast
MR Foot W, Non Joint
MRI Calf WITH and WITHOUT Contrast
MRI Femur (Thigh) with and without contrast
MRI Foot with and without contrast
MRI Shin/ Tibia Fibula WITH and WITHOUT Contrast
MR Tib Fib W WO, Bilateral
MR Lower Extremity Joint WO
MRI Ankle without contrast
MR Foot WO, Joint
MRI Hip without contrast
MR Hips Bilateral WO
MRI Knee without contrast
MR Ankle W
MR Calf W, Non Joint
MR Femur W
MR Hip W
MR Hips Bilateral W
MR Knee W
MR Tib Fib W
MR Ankle W WO
MR Foot W WO, Joint
MR Hips Bilateral W WO
MR Knee W WO
MR Angiography Lower Extremity W Or WO
XR Abdomen KUB 1 View
XR Abdomen 4 Views W Con Post Ct KUB
XR Abdomen Complete 2 Views
XR Abdomen 2V Sitz Marker (Day 1 and Day 5)
XR Abdomen 2 or more Views w PA Chest (Acute Series - Supine, Erect, Decubitus)
CT Abdomen WO
CT Abdomen W
CT Abdomen Three Phase W (Multiphase)
CT Abdomen with and without contrast
CT Abdomen Three Phase W WO (Multiphase)
CT Angiography Abdomen
CT Angiography Aorta (w/o Bilateral Iliofemoral Runoff)
CT Abdomen Pelvis Three Phase W (Multiphase)
CT Abdomen Pelvis Three Phase W WO (Multiphase)
MR Abdomen WO
MR Cholangiogram
MRI MRCP (Abdomen) without contrast
MR Abdomen W
MR Abdomen W with Eovist
MRI Abdomen with and without contrast
MR Abdomen W WO with Eovist
MR Angiography Abdomen W and or WO
MR Angiography Abdomen Renal W and or WO
MR Venogram Abdomen W and or WO
FL Esophagram Barium Swallow
FL Upper GI (UGI) Single Contrast (WO Air) W or WO Esophagram
FL Upper GI (UGI) Double Contrast (W Air) W or WO Esophagram
FL UGI W Small Bowel Follow Through W Air Cont
FL Small Bowel Follow Through (SBFT)
CT Virtual Colonoscopy, Diagnostic WO
CT Virtual Colonoscopy, Diagnostic W WO
CT Virtual Colonoscopy, Screening
FL Barium OR Gastrografin Enema Single Contrast (WO Air)
FL Gastrografin Enema Single Contrast
FL Barium Enema Double Contrast (W Air)
FL IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram)
FL Nephrostogram
XR Cystography W Min 3 Views
MR Cardiac for Morphology WO
MR Cardiac for Morphology W WO
CT Coronary Artery Calcium Score
CT Heart WO (Calcium Score)
CT Angiography Cardiac
CT Angiography Cardiac for Congenital Heart Disease (Cardiac CTA)
CT Angiography Coronary (Coronary CTA)
CT Angiography Coronary W FFR (If Indicated) (Coronary CTA)
CT Angiography Abdominal Aorta Bilateral Iliofemoral Lower Ext Runoff
FL Sniff Test
FL Fluoroscopy (Separate Procedure), Up to 1 Hour Physician Time
XR Chest Abd Child For Fb 1 View
XR Tomogram Independent (single study) TMJ, Wrist, Knee
XR Consultation
CT 3D Reconstruction (Independent Workstation)
MR 3D Reconstruction (Independent Workstation)
MR Spectroscopy
MR Brain Spectroscopy
MR Elastography
CT Health Screen/Full Body without Consult
MR Whole Body Cancer Screening
US Infant Brain, Echoencephalography
US Thyroid
US Thyroid Soft Tissue Neck Bilat W Doppler
US Soft Tissue Head
US Soft Tissue Head and/or Neck
US Soft Tissue Neck
US Chest
US Soft Tissue Chest Wall
US Soft Tissue Upper Back
US Breast Unilateral
US Breast Bilateral
US Breast Bilateral Limited
US Bilateral Breast Hold Code
US Unilateral Breast Hold Code
US Breast for Possible Biopsy Bilateral
US Breast for Possible Biopsy Unilateral
US Breast Screening Study
US Abdomen Complete
US Abdomen Limited
US Gallbladder
US Liver
US Pyloric Stenosis Infant
US Abdomen Limited Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ)
US Soft Tissue Abdominal Wall OR Hernia
US Soft Tissue Lower Back
US AAA (Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm) Screening
US Retro Complete
US Renal and Bladder (Retroperitoneal Complete)
US Retro Limited
US Aorta
US Renal (Retroperitoneal Limited)
US Renal Transplant Duplex
US Spinal Canal and Contents
US OB 1st Trimester Nuchal Translucency
US OB Twins 1st Trimester Nuchal Translucency
US OB Greater Than 14 Weeks - Limited Follow-Up (Known Abnormality)
US Biophysical Profile w/Non-Stress Testing
US Fetal Cord Doppler
US Transvaginal Only
Ultrasound Pelvic TV
Ultrasound Pelvic TA
US Follicular Study, Initial or Follow Up
US Pelvic Limited
US Bladder Only
US Pelvic TV with Limited TA
US Prostate Transabdominal
US Soft Tissue Buttock
US Soft Tissue Penis
US Soft Tissue Perineum
US Soft Tissue Pelvic Wall
US Scrotal (Testicular)
US Transrectal
US Prostate Transrectal
US Infant Spine (Sacral Dimple or Spinal Canal and Contents)
US Extremity Non Vasc Complete
US Extremity Non Vasc Complete W Doppler
US Extremity Non Vasc Complete Bilateral
US Extremity Non Vasc Limited
US Extremity Non Vasc Limited W Doppler
US Axilla (No Mammo Tracking)
US Extremity Non Vasc Limited Bilateral
US Foot Bilateral
US Soft Tissue Groin
US Soft Tissue Groin Bilateral
US Soft Tissue Groin Unilateral
US Soft Tissue Lower Extremity
US Soft Tissue Upper Extremity
US Infant Hips, MD Assisted
US Infant Hips, Not MD Assisted
US Guided Biopsy Abdomen
US Guided Aspiration Non Specific, 1 Location
US Guided Puncture Aspiration of Abscess, Hematoma, Bulla or Cyst
US Breast Localization, 1 Location
US Breast Localization, 2 Locations
US Breast Localization, 3 Locations
US Breast Localization, 4 Locations
US Breast Core Biopsy, 1 Location
US FNA Mass/Lymph Node, 1 Location
US FNA Mass/Lymph Node, 2 Locations
US FNA Mass/Lymph Node, 3 Locations
US Incision/Drainage Hematoma, Seroma, Fluid
US Guided Biopsy Lymph Node
US Guided Liver Biopsy
US Guided Major Joint Injection for Pain Managment
US Guided Paracentesis
US Aspiration Renal Cyst/Pelvic
US Guided Soft Tissue Biopsy
US Guided Thyroid Core Biopsy
US Guided Thyroid FNA, 1 Location
US Guided Thyroid FNA, Bilateral
US Guided Thoracentesis
US Unlisted Procedure
FL Fluoroscopy Guided Ankle Aspiration
FL Joint Therapeutic Injection Ankle
FL Guided Injection Bursa
FL Joint Therapeutic Injection Elbow
FL Joint Injection Foot
FL Flouroscopy Guided Hip Aspiration
FL Joint Therapeutic Injection Hip
FL Joint Injection Hand
FL Fluoroscopy Guided Knee Aspiration
FL Joint Therapeutic Injection Knee
FL Fluoroscopy Guided Shoulder Aspiration
FL Joint Therapeutic Injection Shoulder
FL Joint Therapeutic Injection Wrist
CT Guided Bone Biopsy Superficial
CT Guided Cyst Aspiration, Single Cyst
CT Guided Hip Injection
CT Guided Liver Biopsy
CT Guided Biopsy Pelvis
CT Guided Shoulder Injection
CT Guided Soft Tissue Neck Biopsy
BX Mammo Stereotactic Biopsy, 1 Location
BX Mammo Stereotactic Biopsy, 2 Location
BX Mammo Stereotactic Biopsy, 3 Locations
BX Mammo Stereotactic Biopsy, 4 Locations
BX Mammo Stereotactic Biopsy, 5 Locations
BX Mammo Stereotactic Biopsy, 6 Locations
MA Mammography Needle Breast Localization, 1 Location
MA Mammography Needle Breast Localization, 2 Locations
BX Stereotactic Needle Breast Localization, 1 Location
BX Stereotactic Needle Breast Localization, 2 Locations
MR Breast Unilateral WO
MR Breast Unilateral Implants WO
MR Breast Bilateral WO
MR Breast Bilateral Implant Rupture/Integrity WO
MR Breast Unilateral W WO
MR Breast Unilateral Implants W WO
MR Breast Bilateral W WO
MR Breast Bilateral Implants W WO
MA Mammography Single Duct Complete Ductogram
MA Mammography Multiple Ducts Complete Ductogram
XR Bone Age Study
XR Bone Length Study
CT Scanogram Leg Length
CT Scanogram
XR Smith and Nephew
XR Osseous Survey Limited
XR Osseous Survey Complete
XR Osseous Survey Infant
XR Joint Survey Single View
CT Bone Density
DX DEXA Hip and Spine
DX DEXA Hip and Spine W Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA)
DX DEXA Hip Only
DX DEXA Spine Only
DX DEXA Radius/Wrist/Heel
DX DEXA Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA)
NM Thyroid Imaging Only
NM Thyroid Imaging and Uptake
NM I-131 Whole Body Post Ablation Scan Only
NM I-131 Whole Body Scan Only
NM Parathyroid Imaging
NM Parathyroid Scan W Spect
NM Bone Marrow Limited Area
NM Liver/Spleen Spect
NM Liver Imaging Spect with Vascular Flow labeled RBC
NM Liver and Spleen Static Only
NM Biliary Scan Gallbladder Hida WO Ejection Fraction (EF)
NM Biliary Scan Gallbladder Hida W Ejection Fraction (EF)
NM Biliary Scan Gallbladder Hida W Pharmaceutical Ejection Fraction (EF)
NM Gastric Emptying Study
NM GI Bleed
NM Meckels Scan
NM Limited Area Bone Scan
NM Whole Body Bone Scan
NM Three Phase Bone Scan
NM Bone Spect
NM Cardiolite Stress Test
PET Myocardial Pet Metabolic Eval
PET KX Myocardial Pet Metabolic Eval
NM Muga Scan
NM Perfusion Ventilation (VQ Lung)
PET FDG Brain Imaging Metabolic
PET FDG KX Brain Imaging Metabolic
NM Renal W Flow and Function
NM Renal Scan W Lasix
NM Captopril Renogram
NM Radio Wb Local Tumor Gallium Single
NM Radio WB Local Tumor Gallium w SPECT
NM Radio WB Local Tumor Gallium 2days
NM Radio WB Local Tumor Gallium 2 days With Spect
NM Radio Local Inflam Limited Wbc
NM Radio Local Inflam WBC and Bone Marrow Limited – Dual Isotope
PET FDG Tumor Imaging Limited
PET KX Tumor Imaging Limited
PET FDG Tumor Imaging Skull-Thigh
PET KX Tumor Imaging Skull-Thigh
PET FDG Tumor Imaging Whole Body
PET KX Tumor Imaging Whole Body
PETCT FDG Tumor Imaging Limited
PETCT FDG KX Tumor Imaging Limited
PETCT FDG Tumor Imaging Skull-Thigh
PETCT Skull to Thigh - Axumin
PETCT FDG Tumor Imaging Skull-Thigh with CT Contrast
PETCT FDG KX Tumor Imaging Skull-Thigh with CT Contrast
PETCT Skull to Thigh - NetSpot - Gallium - Dotatate
PETCT FDG Tumor Imaging Skull-Thigh with Head and Neck
PETCT FDG KX Tumor Imaging Skull-Thigh
PETCT FDG KX Tumor Imaging Skull-Thigh with Head and Neck
PETCT Skull to Thigh - POSLUMA
PETCT Skull to Thigh - Gallium - PSMA
PETCT Skull to Thigh - PYL Tracer
PETCT FDG Tumor Imaging Whole Body
PETCT Whole Body - Axumin
PET NAF Bone Scan Whole Body
PET KX NAF Bone Scan Whole Body
PETCT FDG Tumor Imaging Whole Body with CT Contrast
PETCT FDG KX Tumor Imaging Whole Body with CT Contrast
PETCT Whole Body - NetSpot - Gallium - Dotatate
PETCT FDG Tumor Imaging Whole Body with Head and Neck
PETCT FDG KX Tumor Imaging Whole Body
PETCT FDG KX Tumor Imaging Whole Body with Head and Neck
PETCT Whole Body - Gallium - PSMA
US Ultrasound Vascular Echocardiogram 2D M-MODE, Complete (ECG)
US Ultrasound Vascular Echocardio 2D M-MODE, Limited
US Ultrasound Vascular Echocardio 2D M-Mode, Complete w/ Strain
US Carotid Artery Duplex Bilateral
US Carotid Artery Duplex Unilateral
US Ankle Brachial Indices and/or Toe Brachial Indices – ABI/TBI (2 Levels)
US Duplex Wrist Brachial Indices - WBI
US Ankle Brachial Indices and/or Toe Brachial Indices – ABI/TBI (3 Levels)
US Lower Extremity Arterial Duplex Bilateral
US Lower Extremity Arterial Duplex Stent/Graft Bilateral
US Groin For Pseudoaneurysm
US Lower Extremity Arterial Duplex Unilateral
US Lower Extremity Arterial Duplex Stent/Graft Unilateral
US Upper Extremity Arterial Duplex Bilateral
US Upper Extremity Arterial Duplex Unilateral
US Upper Extremity Venous Duplex Bilateral (DVT)
US Lower Extremity Venous Duplex Bilateral (DVT)
US Venous Insufficiency Extremities Bilateral
US Venous Mapping Extremities Bilateral
US Upper Extremity Venous Duplex Unilateral (DVT)
US Duplex Hemodialysis Graft/AV Fistula Survey
US Duplex Graft Survey Lower Extremity Unilat
US Lower Extremity Venous Duplex Unilateral (DVT)
US Venous Insufficiency Extremities Unilateral
US Venous Mapping Extremities Unilateral
US Abdomen or Pelvic Vasculature Duplex Complete
US Abdomen Or Pelvic Doppler
US Aortoiliac, IVC Duplex, Complete
US Aortoiliac, IVC Duplex, Limited
US Duplex Hemodialysis access (mapping/pre-op)
Self Sedation
MR Knee Biomet
BX Addendum Report To Report On Old Ris
CT Cardiac Pre-Screening
CT Cardiac Soft Tissue
CT Knee Mako
CT Hip Mako
CT Brain and IAC W
CT Brain and IAC W WO
CT Brain and IAC WO
CT Brain and Orbits W
CT Brain and Orbits WO
CT Brain and Sinus W
CT Brain and Sinus W WO
CT Brain and Sinus WO
CT Brain and Soft Tissue Neck W
CT Brain and Soft Tissue Neck W WO
CT Brain and Soft Tissue Neck WO
CT Facial Bones and Sinus WO
CT Facial Bones and Orbits WO
CT Angiography Head (Brain) and Neck
CT Sinus WO, with InstaTrack
CT Brain W WO and Soft Tissue Neck W
CT Soft Tissue Neck Chest and Abdomen W
CT Thoracolumbar W
CT Thoracolumbar WO
CT Guided Cystogram
CT Brain W WO and CT Abdomen and Pelvis W
CT Brain WO and CT Abdomen and Pelvis W
CT Brain Abdomen and Pelvis WO
CT Cystogram WO
CT Cystogram W WO
CT Chest W Abdomen and Pelvis W WO
CT Chest W Abdomen W WO Pelvis W
CT Angiography Chest and Abdomen
CT Angiography Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis
CT Chest and Abdomen W
CT Chest and Abdomen W WO
CT Chest and Abdomen WO
CT Chest and Pelvis W
CT Chest WO Abdomen Pelvis W
CT Chest Abdomen and Pelvis W
CT Chest Abdomen and Pelvis W WO
CT Chest Abdomen and Pelvis WO
CT Chest W Abdomen W WO
CT Chest WO Abdomen W WO
CT Chest W WO CT Abdomen and Pelvis W
CT Chest WO Abdomen Pelvis W WO
CT Chest WO Abdomen W
CT Chest WO, Ion Robotic Protocol
CT Chest WO Abd W WO Pelvis W
CT Knee WO - Dual Energy
CT Foot and Ankle WO - Dual Energy
CT Abdomen and Pelvis WO - Dual Energy
CT Chest and Pelvis W WO
CT Dual Energy Elbow WO
CT Dual Energy Wrist and Hand WO
CT Abdomen and Pelvis WO
CT Renal Stone Protocol
CT Abdomen and Pelvis W WO
CT Urogram W WO (Abdomen and Pelvis)
CT Abdomen and Pelvis W
CT Abd W WO Pelvis W Chest W
CT Abdomen W WO Pelvis W
CT Angiography Abdomen and Pelvis
CT Venogram Abdomen Pelvis
CT Enterography W
CT Enterography W WO
CT Chest W, Angiography Neck, Angiography Aorta Bilateral Iliofemoral Lower Ext Runoff
CT Abdomen W WO and Pelvis WO
CT Angiography Chest, Abdominal Aorta Bilateral Iliofemoral Lower Ext Runoff
CT Enterography WO
CT Brain WO with Quantitative Analysis (Volumetric)
CT Angiography Coronary, Chest Abdomen Pelvis for Pre TAVR Planning
CT Angiography Coronary Plaque Analysis/Quantification (Coronary CTA)
CT Plaque Analysis/Quantification
Heart Rate Medication for Coronary CTA Hold Code
CT Angiography Coronary with FFR with Plaque Analysis/Quantification (Coronary CTA)
CT Sinus WO for Localization
CT Arthrogram Shoulder
CT Arthrogram Elbow
CT Arthrogram Wrist
CT Arthrogram Lower Extremity
CT Arthrogram Hip
CT Arthrogram Knee
CT Arthrogram Ankle
CT Soft Tissue Neck and Chest W
CT Soft Tissue Neck and Chest W WO
CT Soft Tissue Neck and Chest WO
CT Soft Tissue Neck WO and Chest W
CT Soft Tissue Neck W and Chest W WO
CT Soft Tissue Neck W WO and Chest W
CT Soft Tissue Neck W WO and Chest WO
CT Soft Tissue Neck and Chest W, Abdomen W WO, and Pelvis W
CT Soft Tissue Neck WO, Chest W, Abdomen and Pelvis W WO
CT Soft Tissue Neck, Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis W
CT Soft Tissue Neck, Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis W WO
CT Soft Tissue Neck, Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis WO
CT Soft Tissue Neck and Chest W, Abdomen and Pelvis W WO
CT Soft Tissue Neck and Chest WO, Abdomen and Pelvis W WO
CT General
CT Addendum Report To Report on Old RIS
CT Lift Assistance Hold Code - LIFT TEAM
DX DEXA Hip or Spine, and Radius/Wrist/Heel
DX DEXA Body Composition
DX General
DX Addendum Report To Report On Old Ris
DX Lift Assistance Hold Code - LIFT TEAM
FL Cholangiography T Tube, Post Op
FL Guided Fluid Collection Drain, With Cath Visceral
FL Upper GI (UGI) Single Contrast W Small Bowel Follow Through
FL Upper GI (UGI) Double Contrast (W Air) W Small Bowel Follow Through
FL UGI and Esophagram Single Contrast W Small Bowel Follow Through
FL UGI W Air and Esophagram with Small Bowel Follow Through
FL UGI Single Contrast W Esophagram
FL UGI Double Contrast W Esophagram
FL Esophagram Barium Swallow Double Contrast (W Air)
FL Retrograde Urethrocystography
FL Hsg Hysterosalpinography
FL VCUG (Voiding Urethrocystography)
FL Cystogram
FL Lift Assistance Hold Code - LIFT TEAM
MA Digital Screening Mammo Bilat
MA Digital Screening Mammo Bilat W Implants
MA Tomo Digital Screening Mammo Bilat W Implants
MA Digital Screening Mammo Unilat W Implants
MA Tomo Digital Screening Mammo Unilat W Implants
Bilateral Screening Tomosynthesis Mammogram
MA Digital Screening Mammo Unilat
MA Tomo Digital Screening Mammo Unilat
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Bilat W Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Bilat W Breast US
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Bilat
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Bilat
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Bilat W Implants W Breast US
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Bilat W Implants
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Bilat W Implants W Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Bilat W Implants
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Bilat
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Bilat W Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Bilat W Breast Us
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Bilat W Implants and Breast US
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Bilat W Implants
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Bilat W Implants and Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Bilat W Implants
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Bilat
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Unilat W Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Unilat W Breast US
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Unilat
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Unilat
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Unilat W Implants W Breast US
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Unilat W Implants
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Unilat W Implants W Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Unilat W Implants
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Unilat
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Unilat W Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Callback Unilat W Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Unilat W Implants and Breast US
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Unilat W Implants
MA Digital Diagnostic Mammo Unilat W Implants and Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Unilat W Implants
MA Post Procedure Mammogram for Marker Placement
MA Tomo Digital Diagnostic Mammo Unilat
PET Wholebody Melanoma Noncovered Indications
PET KX Wholebody Melanoma Noncovered Indications
PET Initial Dx Breast Ca
PET KX Initial Dx Breast Ca
Hold For Proper Procedure Code
IR Contrast Injection For Existing Tube Check
IR Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiogram Existing Access
Lung Imaging to be Determined
MR Knee Lima
MA Biopsy Specimen
MA Tomo Digital Screening Mammo Bilat and Screening Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Screening Mammo Bilat and Implants W Screening Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Screening Mammo Unilat and Screening Breast US
MA Tomo Digital Screening Mammo Unilat and Implants W Screening Breast US
MA Digital Screening Mammo Bilat and Screening Breast US
MA Digital Screening Mammo Bilat W Implants and Screening Breast US
MA Digital Screening Mammo Unilat and Screening Breast US
MA Digital Screening Mammo Unilat and Implants W Screening Breast US
MA Tomo Mammography Guided Breast Localization
MA Tomo Mammography Guided Breast LocalizationAdditional Lesion
MA Tomo Guided Breast Biopsy
MA Mammography Needle Breast Localization, 3 Locations
MA Tomo Guided Breast Biopsy, 2 Locations
MA Tomo Guided Breast Biopsy, 3 Locations
MA Tomo Guided Breast Biopsy, 4 Locations
MA Tomo Guided Breast Biopsy, 5 Locations
MA General
MA Addendum Report To Report On Old Ris
MA Needle Loc 1 Site w Radioactive Seed Placement
MA Guided Breast Sentinel Node Inj
MA Wheelchair Accommodation
MR Knee Medacta
MR Knee Microport
MR Pre-Injection Imaging Hold Code
MR Brain and IAC W WO
MR Brain and IAC WO
MR Brain and Orbits W WO
MR Brain and Orbits WO
MR Brain and Pituitary W WO
MR Brain and Pituitary WO
MR Brain W WO with Quantitative Analysis (Neuroquant/Volumetric)
MR Brain WO with Quantitative Analysis (Neuroquant/Volumetric)
MR Brain and IAC W
MR Brain and Orbits W
MR Brain and Pituitary W
MR Foot and Ankle WO
MR Hand and Wrist WO
MR Hand and Wrist W WO
MR Pelvis and Bilateral Hips WO
MR Brain and Orbits WO and MRA Cerebral WO
MR Brain and Orbits W WO and MRA Cerebral WO
MR Brain WO and MRA Cerebral WO
MR Brain W WO and MRA Cerebral WO
MR Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine W WO
MR Abdomen and Pelvis W
MR Abdomen and Pelvis W WO
MR Enterography
MR Abdomen and Pelvis WO
MR Brain W and MRA Cerebral W
MR Prostate Bones and Nodes
MR Brain WO and MR Venogram Cerebral WO
MR Brain W WOand MR Venogram Cerebral WO
MR Brain WO and MR Angio Cerebral WO and MR Venogram Cerebral WO
MR Guided TULSA Prostate Treatment
MR Guided TULSA Prostate Treatment Follow Up
MR Guided Prostate Ablation, Research Only
MR Cervical and Lumbar Spine WO
MR Brain and Facial Bones WO
MR Brain WO and Facial Bones W
MR Brain WO and Orbits W
MR Thoracic and Lumbar Spine W WO
MR Cervical Thoracic and Lumbar Spine W
MR Cervical and Lumbar Spine W
MR Cervical and Lumbar Spine W WO
MR Cervical and Thoracic Spine W
MR Thoracic and Lumbar Spine W
MR Brain and MR Angiography Brain and MR Neck WO
MR Brain WO and MR Facial Bones W WO
MR Brain WO and Sella Turcica W WO
MR Brain WO and MR Orbits W WO
MR Prostate W
MR Bone Marrow Blood Supply
MR Angiography Abdomen and MR Abdomen W WO
MR Angiography Chest and MR Chest W WO
MR Angiography Pelvis and MR Pelvis W WO
MR Rectum WO
MR Rectum W WO
MR Cervical and Thoracic Spine W WO
MR Thoracic and Lumbar Spine WO
MR Cervical and Thoracic Spine WO
MR Brain W WO with CSF Flow
MR Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Spine WO
MR Brain W WO and MR Angiography Brain WO
MR Brain W WO and MR Angiography Brain and Neck WO
MR Brain and MR Angiography Brain WO
MR Facial Bones and Orbits W WO
MR Novartis Knee WO
MR Brain W WO Aria Surveillance
MR Brain WO Aria Surveillance
MR Brain W WO Aria Surveillance with Quantitative Analysis (Neuroquant/Volumetric)
MR Brain WO Aria Surveillance with Quantitative Analysis (Neuroquant/Volumetric)
MR Angiography Chest and Abdomen W WO
MR Guided Breast Biopsy WO MRI, 1 Location
MR Guided Breast Biopsy WO MRI, 2 Locations
MR Guided Breast Biopsy WO MRI, 4 Locations
MR Guided Breast Biopsy W WO
MR Guided Breast Biopsy W WO, Additional Lesion
MR Prostate Biopsy
MR Prostate Screening (EPS)
MR MRCP and Abdomen W WO
MR Urogram
MR MRCP and Abdomen WO
MR Angiography Abdomen and Pelvis W and or WO
MR Urogram WO
MR Arthrogram Elbow
MR Arthrogram Shoulder
MR Arthrogram Wrist
MR Arthrogram Hand
MR Arthrogram Knee
MR Arthrogram Hip
MR Arthrogram Ankle
MR Angiography Runoff Unilateral
MR Angiography Runoff Bilateral
MR Arthrogram Ankle (Pre & Post Injection)
MR Arthrogram Elbow (Pre & Post Injection)
MR Arthrogram Hand (Pre & Post Injection)
MR Arthrogram Hip (Pre & Post Injection)
MR Arthrogram Knee (Pre & Post Injection)
MR Arthrogram Shoulder (Pre & Post Injection)
MR Arthrogram Wrist (Pre & Post Injection)
MR General
MR Addendum Report To Report On Old Ris
MR Breast Localization, 1 Location
MR Breast Localization, 2 Locations
MR Equinox Brain
MR Lift Assistance Hold Code - LIFT TEAM
NM Injection 15 min
NM Injection 30 Min
NM Scan 15 min
NM Scan 30 min
NM Scan 45 min
NM Scan 60 min
NM Pyrophosphate Cardiac Scan w/Spect
NM Renal Scan with GFR with dual Tracer
NM Gastric Empty Scan Dual-Phase Solid/Liquid
NM Pyrophosphate Cardiac Scan with SPECT/CT
NM Indium White Blood Cell, Blood Withdraw
NM Indium White Blood Cell, Injection (Part 2)
NM Indium White Blood Cell Scan, 24 hr
NM Perfusion Ventilation Quant (VQ Lung)
NM Octreoscan
NM Scan 120 Min
NM Cardiovascular Treadmill Stress Test
NM Lexiscan Stress Test
NM Whole Body Bone Scan w/Spect
NM Three Phase Bone Scan W Spect
NM Thyrogen Injection #1
NM Scan 5 min
NM Scan 90 min
NM Injection 10 Min
NM General
NM DAT Hold Code
NM 24 Hour Hold Code
NM Parathyroid Hold Code
NM Addendum Report To Report On Old Ris
NM Tech Injecting PET
NM Tech Scanning PET
NM Lift Assistance Hold Code - LIFT TEAM
NR Nursing Hold Code
NR Nursing Myelogram
NR Nursing Coronary CTA Hold Code, 15 Min
NR Nursing Coronary CTA Hold Code, 120 Min
NR Lift Assistance Hold Code - LIFT TEAM
PET Lift Assistance Hold Code - LIFT TEAM
PET Injection Hold Code
PET Hold for Proper Procedure Code (PHPPC)
PT General
PT Addendum Report to Report on Old RIS
PETCT Amyloid Brain Scan - AMYVID
PETCT Amyloid Brain Scan - VIZAMYL
PETCT Amyloid Brain Scan - NEURACEQ
PETMR Amyloid Brain Scan – VIZAMYL and MR Brain W WO
PETMR Amyloid Brain Scan - VIZAMYL and MR Brain WO
PETMR Amyloid Brain Scan - VIZAMYL and MR Brain WO (MRAC ONLY)
PETMR Amyloid Brain Scan - AMYVID and MR Brain W WO
PETMR Amyloid Brain Scan - AMYVID and MR Brain WO
PETMR Amyloid Brain Scan - AMYVID and MR Brain WO (MRAC ONLY)
PETMR Brain Imaging Metabolic and MR Brain W WO
PETMR Brain Imaging Metabolic and MR Brain WO
PETMR Brain Imaging Metabolic and MR Brain WO (MRAC ONLY)
PETMR Amyloid Brain Scan - VIZAMYL AND MR Brain W WO Contrast with Quantitative Analysis (Neuroquant/Volumetric)
PETMR Amyloid Brain Scan - VIZAMYL and MR Brain WO Contrast with Quantitative Analysis (Neuroquant/Volumetric)
PETMR Amyloid Brain Scan - AMYVID and MR Brain W WO Contrast with Quantitative Analysis (Neuroquant/Volumetric)
PETMR Amyloid Brain Scan - AMYVID and MR Brain WO Contrast with Quantitative Analysis (Neuroquant/Volumetric)
PETMR Brain Imaging Metabolic and MR Brain W WO Contrast with Quantitative Analysis (Neuroquant/Volumetric)
PETMR Brain Imaging Metabolic and MR Brain WO Contrast with Quantitative Analysis (Neuroquant/Volumetric)
MR Knee Smith & Nephew
BX Stereotactic Guided Biopsy with 3D Assistance
US Pelvic TV Only With Duplex
US Breast Core Biopsy Vacuum Assisted
US Breast Core Biopsy, 2 Locations
US Breast Core Biopsy, 3 Locations
US Cyst Asp and Core Biopsy W Clip
US Cyst Asp and Core Biopsy WO Clips
US Breast Cyst Aspiration
US Breast Cyst Aspiration, 2 Locations
US Breast Cyst Aspiration, 3 Locations
US Breast Cyst Aspiration, 4 Locations
US Breast Cyst Aspiration, 5 Locations
US Guided Clip Placement
US Breast Unilateral Callback
US Breast Bilateral Callback
US Breast Core Biopsy, 4 Locations
US Breast Core Biopsy, 5 Locations
US Breast Marker Placement, Tattoo
US Breast Axilla Biopsy with Clip and Post Mammo
US Abdomen Complete and Retro Comp W TA TV Cd
US Abdomen Complete With Pelvic TA and TV
US Abdomen Complete and Retro Complete
US Abdomen Complete and Retro Limited
US Abdomen Complete and TV
US Abdomen Complete W Duplex Limited
US Abdomen Complete With Pelvic TA
US Abdomen Limited with Duplex
US Abdomen Limited and Retro Limited
US Abdomen Limited and TA
US Abdomen Retro Complete W Abdomen Doppler
US Renal Duplex Complete (Renal Artery Stenosis) with Renal Only (Default Renal Artery Stenosis)
US Retro Complete and TV
US Renal Duplex Complete with Renal Bladder Complete (when indicated)
US Abdomen Complete W Duplex Complete
US Abdomen Complete W Lumason
US Abdomen Limited W Lumason
US Prostate Biopsy – Transrectal
US Prostate Biopsy – Transperineal
Ultrasound Pelvic TA and TV
US Pelvic Complete TA and TV With Duplex
Ultrasound Pelvic TA
US Pelvic Complete TA With Duplex
US Scrotal With Duplex (Testicular)
US Hysterosono Only - SHG
US Hysterosono With Complete TA and TV - SHG (Sonohystrogram)
US Hysterosono With TV - SHG
US Bpp Only
US OB Limited Follow-Up TV (No Known Abnormality) - Multiple Fetuses
US Ob F/U 76816 Weight Fluid and Lie Only
US OB Limited Follow-Up TV (No Known Abnormality) - NOT FOR SCHEDULING
US Ob Less Than 14 Weeks TA W Complete Abdomen
US OB Less Than 14 Weeks TA/Complete and TV
US OB Less Than 14 Weeks TA/Complete
US OB Less Than 14 Weeks TA/Complete and TV and Doppler
US OB Less Than 14 Weeks Complete TA - Multiple Fetuses
US OB Less Than 14 Weeks Complete TA and TV - Multiple Fetuses
US OB Less Than 14 Weeks TV - Multiple Fetuses
US OB Greater Than 14 Weeks - Limited Follow-Up (No Known Abnormality)
US OB Limited - Multiple Fetuses Identified
US OB Limited Follow-Up TV (No Known Abnormality)
US OB Greater Than 14 Weeks Single Fetus (Fetal Anatomy)
US OB Greater Than 14 Wks 76805 Twins Only
US Ob Transvaginal
US OB Less than 14 Weeks Triplets TA and TV
US Soft Tissue Penis w/Duplex Comp
US Soft Tissue Penis w/Duplex Lmtd
US Elastography ONLY (No Imaging)
US OB Less Than 14 Weeks TV
US Abdomen Complete with Elastography
US Liver with Elastography
US Appendix Evaluation
US Abdominal Hernia
US Inguinal Hernia
US Guided Parotid Core Biopsy
US Formal Fetal Echo and Color Doppler
US Axilla (Mammo Tracking Required)
US Addendum Report To Report On Old Ris - NOT FOR SCHEDULING
US Breast Addendum Report To Report On Old RIS
US Guided Thyroid FNA, 2 Sites
US Guided Thyroid FNA, 3 Sites
US Needle Loc 1 Site w Radioactive Seed Placement
US Ankle MSK Complete
US Elbow MSK Complete
US Knee MSK Complete
US Shoulder MSK Complete
US Wrist MSK Complete
US Lift Assistance Hold Code - LIFT TEAM
XR Shunt Series
XR Non Vascular Shunt Series
XR Chest 3 Views
XR Forearm 1 View
XR Lumbar Spine 1 View
XR Humerus 1 View
XR Internal Auditory Meatus
XR Optic Foramina
XR Thoracic Spine, 1 view
XR Pa Chest W 2 Obliques
XR KUB 1 View With Non Con Ct
XR Elbow Bilateral
XR Forearm 2 Views and Wrist 3 Views
XR Hand and Wrist 3 Views Each
XR Hand and Wrist Bilateral 3 Views Each
XR Hands Bilateral 2 Views Each
XR Hands Bilateral 3 Views Each
XR Humerus Bilateral
XR Shoulders Bilateral
XR Wrists Bilateral 2 Views Each
XR Wrists Bilateral Minimum 3 Views Each
XR Hand and Wrist 2 Views Each
XR Hand and Wrist Bilateral 2 Views Each
XR Ankle Bilateral 2 Views Each
XR Ankle Bilateral 3 Views Each
XR Foot and Ankle 3 Views Each
XR Foot and Ankle Bilateral 3 Views Each
XR Foot Bilateral 2 Views Each
XR Foot Bilateral 3 Views Each
XR Knees Bilateral 2 Views
XR Knees Bilateral 3 Views
XR Knees Bilateral 4 Views
XR Tibia and Fibula Bilateral 2 Views
XR Arthritis Series Complete Osseous Survey
XR Zygomatic Arch
XR Arthritis Series Joint Survey
XR Ankle 1 View
XR Complete Spinal Survey
XR General
XR Addendum Report To Report On Old Ris
XR Chest 2 Special Views
XR Chest 3 Special Views
XR Chest 4 Special Views
MR Knee Zimmer